All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
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Open Meteo CLI
CLI to extract meteorology data from Open Meteo.
Current Weather
Displays the current weather for your IP address automatically or for specific coordinates.
open-meteo-cli current-weather [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-l, --latitude <latitude>
: Latitude as a decimal number.-L, --longitude <longitude>
: Longitude as a decimal number.--temperature-unit <temperature-unit>
: Switches between Celsius or Fahrenheit. Default value is Celsius.--speed-unit <speed-unit>
: Switches between km/h, m/s, mp/h or knots. Default value is Kmh.--format <format>
: Switches data format between Normal, Clean or JSON. Default value is Normal.
-a, --all
: Displays all the information.-d, --is-day
: Displays if it is day or night.-t, --temperature
: Displays the decimal temperature.-w, --windspeed
: Displays the decimal wind speed.-W, --winddirection
: Displays the wind direction, in degrees.--coords
: Displays the latitude and the longitude.--city
: Displays the city.-c, --clean
: Displays the output separated by commas. Same as '--format clean'.- The order of values is as follows: latitude, longitude, city, is_day, temperature, windspeed, winddirection.
-j, --json
: Displays the output as JSON. Same as '--format json'
- Standard usage:
open-meteo-cli current-weather -a
│ │
│ === Current weather for Zaragoza === │
│ Night │
│ Temperature: 18.8°C │
│ Wind speed: 6.6 km/h │
│ Wind direction: 22° │
│ Latitude: 41.6405, Longitude: -0.8814 │
│ === Weather data by === │
│ │
- Using coordinates:
open-meteo-cli current-weather -l 12.2 -L=-0.38 -t -w
│ │
│ === Current weather === │
│ Temperature: 32.6°C │
│ Wind speed: 12.5 km/h │
│ === Weather data by === │
│ │
- Clean:
open-meteo-cli current-weather -d -t -w -c
open-meteo-cli current-weather -d -t -w -j
The weather data used in this application is provided by under the CC BY 4.0 license. We would like to express our gratitude to for their contribution to this project.